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white lady wearing a dusty blue top and a black hat backing the camera and raising a sky blue cup up
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Here are 300 things to be grateful for in life

Gratefulness is one mindset that everyone should have. Not because it is compulsory, but because it is necessary and needful.

Asides the obvious highs and low moment in our lives, there are a million and one things to be grateful for if only we can pause and think about it.

The past month for me has been surreal and had so many remarkable events.

First it was the new year, followed with so much dreams, goals and aspirations. Next, I’m starting a blog and hitting all my milestone. The next month, it was our 5th year marriage anniversary. It is so easy to get lost in the celebrations and events, that we miss out on the little things.

Reflecting and meditating on the past and future events has created the mindfulness to be grateful for just about everything.

In this world of instant gratification, people rarely take out time to count their blessing. With the go go go culture, it is so common to get drowned in survival mode that we do not get to see the awesomeness of how life has been.

If I am being honest, 300 is just a scratch on the surface of things to be grateful for. Everyday we spend on this earth is a blessing and an opportunity opening for thankfulness.

Therefore, it is good to often take inventory of our accomplishments and focus on things to be thankful for before even thinking about the work ahead and the challenges lying just off the horizon.

Before we go right into the list, you may be asking… ‘Why Gratitude?’


  • It helps you build a positive mindset.

  • You get to count your blessings and appreciate your life more.

  • Gratitude makes you see the brighter side of things.

  • It helps you focus more on your own journey instead of wishing to be in someone’s shoes.

  • It helps you grow a mindset of plenty instead of scarcity.

  • You are reminded of the opportunities that lies ahead.

  • It prepares you for the challenges that lies ahead and a mindset that accepts it gracefully.

white brunette lady sitting beside a table with a book on it while holding a white mug with winked eye drawn on it

Here are 300 things to be grateful for

  1. Your health
  2. Your partner
  3. Your kids
  4. Your parents
  5. Your siblings
  6. Your cycle (if you are a woman)
  7. The roof over your head
  8. The good food on your table
  9. Your sight
  10. Your muscles that are functioning properly
  11. Your sharp mind
  12. Friends that add spice to your lives
  13. Your sanity
  14. The peace in your home
  15. The joy you experience
  16. The love and understanding in your marriage
  17. Waking up to see your kids
  18. Waking up to see your partner
  19. Your boss
  20. Your colleagues
  21. Your employees
  22. Your job
  23. The company you work for
  24. The internet
  25. Your side hustle
  26. Your business
  27. Becoming the parent
  28. Your finance
  29. Your education
  30. Having the money for basic stuff
  31. Your pets
  32. Good weather
  33. Food in your pantry
  34. A fridge filled with goodies
  35. Past birthdays
  36. Future birthdays
  37. Your spouse birthday
  38. Your kids’ birthday
  39. Your marriage anniversary
  40. 300white brunette lady wearing a white tee shirt and a sky blue denim sitting on a colourful ottoman and drinking coffee with a wink on the mug
  41. The safe birthing of your kids
  42. Your neighbours
  43. Your landlord (if you have any)
  44. Your house (if you own any)
  45. Your safe and secure neighbourhood
  46. The bills that you can pay for
  47. Your electricity
  48. Your car
  49. Going out and coming in without any casualty
  50. Your freedom of choice
  51. Your parent’s health
  52. Your favourite TV show
  53. Your vibrant and smart kids
  54. Your children’s education
  55. Your children’s school
  56. Your children’s teacher
  57. Your family Doctors
  58. Your family dentistgreen and white flowers in a blue glass vase on a blue book on a blue desk
  59. Your kid’s pediatrician
  60. Your bank
  61. Your church
  62. The clean water you drink
  63. The ability to read and write
  64. The ability to comprehend what you read
  65. Transportation services that simplify our lives
  66. Your country
  67. The politicians in your country
  68. A perfect weather
  69. A productive day
  70. An effective week
  71. Play and date times with the kids
  72. A bed to lay your head
  73. A smile from a total stranger
  74. The gas in your car
  75. Your favourite TV show
  76. Your favourite musician
  77. Your favourite YouTube channel
  78. Your favourite influencer
  79. The beautiful landscape in your surrounding
  80. The clean air that your breath.
  81. Coming home to a happy family
  82. Your skills that helps you earn
  83. For safe trips
  84. Your faith and belief
  85. For a sound sleep
  86. For your skin that is glowing
  87. For your flourishing hair
  88. For your lovely plants
  89. For the books at your reach
  90. For the amazing authors that inspires you
  91. For your blog
  92. Your goals
  93. Your writing skills
  94. Your sewing skills
  95. The opportunity to travel
  96. For the past that led to the present
  97. For the present that will lead to your future
  98. For your glorious future
  99. For your immune system that doesn’t fail
  100. For your brain that functions
  101. A good laugh
  102. For the joy in your heart
  103. For your mentorswhite man and black lady talking over a cup of coffee
  104. For your coach
  105. For your therapist
  106. Having time for your kids
  107. For the pilots that fly your plane when you travel
  108. For your classmates
  109. The ability to afford gifts for family and friends
  110. Your dream life
  111. The sun that brightens your day
  112. For your tutors
  113. For your online audience
  114. For your pastors
  115. For your church members
  116. A cozy home
  117. For a new year
  118. For a new month
  119. For a new day
  120. For business ideas
  121. For business deals and sponsorships
  122. For your daily routine
  123. For your youtube channel’s growthblonde lady wearing a white shirt and talking to a phone mounted on a ring light stand on a table
  124. For your social media
  125. For the opportunities the online space has brought
  126. For your partner’s job
  127. For your partner’s business
  128. For your grand parents
  129. For experiencing thanksgiving
  130. For mothers’ day
  131. For Saint Patrick’s Day
  132. For valentine’s day
  133. For Father’s Day
  134. For your soft pillows
  135. For your me times and alone times
  136. For the hope to dream big
  137. For your kids’ milestones
  138. For your laptop
  139. For your feet that carries you everywhere
  140. For the trees around
  141. For your bedroom
  142. For your living room
  143. For the love the kitchen brings
  144. For your family’s dinning time
  145. For your television
  146. For your kid’s friends
  147. For your kid’s toys
  148. For a debt free life
  149. For paying off your debt
  150. For your monthly paycheck
  151. For your to-do list
  152. The drinks in your fridge
  153. Your local market
  154. The clothes you wear
  155. Your fashion sense
  156. Your style
  157. The perfume you wear
  158. Your phone
  159. Your voice
  160. Your sense of smell
  161. Your freedom of speech
  162. Your quirks
  163. Your uniqueness
  164. The rocky beaches
  165. The clear sky
  166. The sunshine
  167. The moon at night
  168. Your cup of coffee
  169. Your me times
  170. The good news you receive
  171. The songs you love
  172. The smell of good food
  173. Finding a lost item
  174. Beautiful family photos
  175. New year’s eve
  176. Electricity
  177. Technology that makes your life easier
  178. Running water
  179. Online banking
  180. Expressive emojis
  181. Boxing day
  182. Email notifications
  183. Social media notifications
  184. Video chats
  185. Hospitals
  186. Good roads
  187. Pain reliefs
  188. Beautiful tourist sites
  189. Freedom of worship
  190. The police
  191. A good novel
  192. Your favourite outfit
  193. Comfortable pyjamas
  194. Sexy lingeries
  195. Feminine night wears
  196. Body creams
  197. Body oils
  198. Skin care routines
  199. Home cooked meals
  200. New outfit for an occasion
  201. Family support
  202. Swimming in a pool
  203. Doing your favourite sport
  204. Skipping
  205. Looking at lovely art
  206. Sightseeing
  207. Gardeningwoman wearing a white button down dress and holding a white and green coloured flower
  208. Playing dress up
  209. For your hobbies
  210. Educative documentaries
  211. For clear starry nights
  212. For the beautiful sunset
  213. For the energizing sunrise
  214. Cool breeze on a sunny day
  215. The rainbows
  216. The lightening
  217. The thunder
  218. The snowfall
  219. Winning at a game
  220. For deep conversations with a friend
  221. For your paydays
  222. For promotions at work
  223. For incentives and bonuses
  224. The kind stranger you met
  225. For fresh airwhite-brunette-lady-wearing-a-pink-sleeveless-long-dress-and-taking-a-walk-in-nature
  226. Spending time with God
  227. For your journaling time
  228. For quiet time
  229. For shower time
  230. For crazy thoughts
  231. For ideas
  232. Falling in love
  233. Staying in love
  234. Forgiving spirit
  235. Winning a prize
  236. An early morning text from your lover
  237. Ability to care for a plant
  238. Having a relieving cry
  239. Quality time with your kids
  240. Unexpected cash
  241. For cinemas
  242. For art galleries
  243. National parks
  244. Dollar stores
  245. Libraries
  246. Antic shops
  247. Supermarkets
  248. For your hairdressers
  249. For your masseuse
  250. For spas and salons
  251. For a good laugh
  252. A good surprise
  253. For your purpose on earth
  254. For the daily dose of motivation
  255. For the hope you have
  256. For your passion
  257. For the emotions you have
  258. For being logical
  259. For being realistic
  260. For your expressive self
  261. For your reserved self
  262. For chocolates and candies
  263. For happy hours
  264. For alcohol
  265. For pizza
  266. For chicken soups for sick days
  267. For a good bowl of cereal
  268. For gluten free options of food
  269. Work bestiethree-white-ladies-talking-overa-cup-of-coffee-legs-crossed
  270. Freedom to work from home
  271. Freedom to work anywhere you like
  272. Getting pain for a work done
  273. For online platforms that helps you earn money
  274. For good collaboration
  275. For brand sponsorships and collaboration
  276. Work-life balance
  277. For days off
  278. For laughter filled gist times
  279. Warm summer evenings
  280. For lazy days
  281. For that encouraging friend
  282. For extra time
  283. Having positive people around
  284. The unseen doors that opens up to you
  285. For child hood friends
  286. Your mental health
  287. Road trips
  288. A guilty pleasure
  289. The feeling of a freshly cleaned body
  290. Clear blue skys
  291. Being able to set your goals
  292. Being able to achieve your goals
  293. Parties for special occasion
  294. Hot showers on cold days
  295. Receiving and giving a compliment
  296. Fruits and vegetables
  297. For Christmas trees
  298. Convenient online shopping
  299. The online shopping that delivered
  300. Your creativity
  301. Your sense of humour.

There you have it friends. This list is definitely not exhaustive as there are so many things to be grateful for. So, feel free to add to this.

I hope you found this 300 things to be grateful for helpful and are motivated to always maintain an aura of gratitude.

Do well to extend this knowledge to your friends by sharing this post on your social handles.

Until next time. Remain Blessed.

300  things to be grateful for in life



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