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white lady hand writing on a blank journal on a green table
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In this article, you will be introduced to 50 inspiring journal prompts for a solemn and deep reflection on your life.

Stopping and taking stock of your life is what every individual should do at least twice a year. It is a good practice as this can help you retrace your steps if you are living your life in the wrong direction.

Journaling has proven to be one sure way to actually reflect on your life, the past, present and how to work towards a better future.

Journal prompts are simply questions, inspirations and suggestions.

These questions can help you reflect on your life as a whole or a particular aspect of your life and possibly come up with ideas to live a wholesome and fulfilling life.

WHY IS JOURNALING IMPORTANTtwo brown journals on a white desk with a pink wrist watch eyeglass and black pen on top

Journaling can help you in diverse ways.

Aside de-stressing, journaling can also be an avenue to attain our higher and best self.

Here is a list of important reasons why journaling is so important.

  1. It is a form of self care

When you sit down to journal, it is a form of self care because you are actually pausing to prioritize your mental health and breath through the pages of your journal with thoughts that might have been burdening you.


After a session of journaling, you feel such peace and calm that only caring for yourself can bring, and this is why journaling is a form of self care.


  1. Helps to bring inspiration

Inspiration is one of the dividends of journaling. Human beings are a spiritual being, and one of the ways to tap into our spiritual side is through daily inspiration which can be made possible by journaling.


  1. Helps to fine tune our goal setting

When you write things down, you are already a step towards its execution because once written down cannot be forgotten.

To make goal setting a seamless and more effective procedure, it is imperative to journal down our thoughts and reactions.

4. It is thought provoking and sparks our creativity

Everyone of us have a creative side. For some, this side is not so prominent, but with Journaling, our creative side can be honed and trained.

A whole lot of creative ideas can come from journaling. Sometimes, when you get into that zone, the thought just comes flooding in, and one way not to loose the ideas is to journal it down.


  1. Helps to bring clarity to our reflection.

One thing I love about journaling is the clarity it brings. Clarity of purpose and our overall existence. A time spent in journaling is never lost believe me, because in the nearest future, you will need the guidance of your thoughts penned down to get you through a tough situation.


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50 Inspiring Journal Prompts For A Solemn Reflection on Your Life

Depending on the time of the day when you are journaling, you can start with questions that would move you to think about how your day started, what you felt like on the start of your day and the things you did right or wrong.

With that being said and with respect to timing, I would group the 50 journal prompt into 5 categories. Into times of your life and stages that you can reflect on and work on as well.

Without further fuss or delays, lets dig into the 50 journal prompts for a solemn reflection on your life.

JOURNAL PROMPTS TO REFLECT ON YOUR PASTblank journal with a gold pen on top

  1. How did your past feel like
  2. What is one habit that has helped your past life and pattern go well
  3. Did you do well with previous plans and how can you improve
  4. What is one thing about yourself that you adore
  5. What was the first emotion you felt as you woke up for the day
  6. Write about a moment of your life that you loathed the most
  7. Doodle down random things that you remember about your life
  8. In five sincere words, describe your life
  9. What is one thing that you can add to your life to make it feel better
  10. At what stage of your past did you feel most happy

JOURNAL PROMPTS FOR YOUR PRESENT LIFEwhite lady sitting outdoors on a step journaling

  1. How can you build on No 10 above to create a happier life.
  2. What is your present thought, worries, anxiety and joys
  3. What activity interests you the most.
  4. In a handful of words, describe your present life.
  5. Mention one moment when you felt the most joy and peace.
  6. List down people present in your life that brings you the most fulfillment and motivation.
  7. Write a letter to your past self detailing down how your experiences has helped shaped you to the person you presently are.
  8. What habit that is somewhat difficult can you incorporate in your life to make it better
  9. What are a list of your favourite books and list out one lesson each that you can remember from each of them
  10. With drawings, describe what your current emotions are like


  1. Write down quotes that makes you leap for joy and smile
  2. List out your favourite and most fun activities that makes you forget your surroundings for a while
  3. If you could do one thoughtless thing, what could that be. Write this down!
  4. Write down a list of things you always wanted to do or try but was too afraid to take the bold step
  5. Write down a list of words you wanted to hear someone say to you.
  6. If you could let go of one behaviour, what could that be.
  7. If magics were real, what is one magical power you would love to have
  8. In a world full of chaos, what is that one place that helps you feel safe and calm
  9. What great memory can you relive and is there a scent to match this memory with
  10. What part of nature puts you in the best mood and spark your excitement.

JOURNAL PROMPTS FOR YOUR BRIGHT FUTUREwhite brunette lady sitting beside a table with a book on it while holding a white mug with winked eye drawn on it

  1. If tomorrow is not guaranteed, what is that one thing you would love to be remembered for.
  2. What memory do you want to build, and with which people in your life
  3. In simple and plain terms, describe the kind of future you want to have
  4. Doodle down what your future self should be like and brainstorm ways you can achieve Her
  5. Write a letter to your future self, detailing down all you want to experience with her

Also read: How to write a letter to your future self

  1. Where is that one place you would love to visit and why
  2. With drawings and words, describe your future life
  3. How optimistic are you for the future
  4. If you are not optimistic, why is that…if you are optimistic, why is that also
  5. Who is that one person that looks like your future self, and what about them inspires you.

JOURNAL PROMPTS FOR YOUR TOTAL EXISTENCEwhite red hair lady practicing journaling while lying down on a white bed

  1. Are you satisfied with your current life?
  2. How is you goal setting and execution going?
  3. What plans should you add or delete to make your life and daily routine better
  4. If you had everything you ever prayed or wished for, what one thing would you do to make the world a better place
  5. How is your current emotional state
  6. Who are the people that add spice to your life and what do they do differently to hold this place in your heart
  7. Draw a symbol that you can use to describe your life and why did you choose this symbol.
  8. If there is one thing you can change about yourself, what is that and why
  9. Write a list of positive self-affirmations that has helped motivate you and keep you sane
  10. What does feeling peaceful, sane and calm mean to you

Related post: 150 Self love affirmations to heal your emotional self

Some Good Tips For A Fun Journaling Experience

Have a good journal:

This is so important because having a journal you like is the first step to a fun journaling experience. You know that feeling you have when you are writing in a clean notepad with a fresh smell, that is the same feeling you have when you are writing in a journal you especially love.

Use coloured pens or pencils:six pens with different shades of green colour

This is one sure way to get very creative. There is a whole lot you can achieve when you infuse in colours in your journaling

Journal in a calm spot or section of your house:

Setting the mood is a core ingredient to have the most productive journal experience. To be able to maximize our journal time effectively, we should be in a place that is free from external distractions.

Use cute stickers to enhance your experience:

To make your entries more visual and relatable, use stickers and drawings to create the best fun journaling experience.

Play calm and soothing music:

Music has a way of boosting our mood or changing our mood. Playing calm and soothing music can add to a beautiful journaling time.

Light some scented candles:

Scented candles are automatic mood boosters that creates a comforting ambience, enhance your relaxation and creates an idyllic surrounding. It can help create a fantastic journaling experience.

Do some skin care or pampering before your journaling time – You must not go the whole mile on skin care. Just by taking your bath and wearing your favourite perfume or body mist can put you in the best mood.

Be gracious and kind to yourself in your entries – Yes some reflections can reveal a part of you that you might not be proud of. This is not a time to beat yourself up and say harsh words to yourself. Instead, learn from it and keep moving.

If you enjoyed this post, please leave me a comment. It will be such a delight to hear from you.

Also do well to share this post to your friends so that they can learn a thing or two.



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