I am quite intrigued by the notion of “moving in silence”. It’s a concept that has caught my attention because it can be interpreted in different ways.
Some people view it as the practice of keeping things under wraps until you achieve your goals, being discreet and not sharing your plans with others. On the other hand, there are those who see it as selectively sharing your ambitions and intentions with a trusted circle of close friends or confidants. In essence, it’s a concept that highlights the balance between secrecy and selective disclosure when pursuing one’s goals.
For the purpose of this article, my focus will be on the idea of “moving in silence”, particularly within the context of the social media era. My aim is to shed light on how individuals can exercise discretion in the digital realm by being careful about the information they share.
There is a popular saying that goes, what people don’t know, they cannot harm. This is so true in an era where one’s personal life is laid bare for public consumption and validation. No one can sabotage what they don’t know.
In the age of social media, it often feels like we’re living in a world where every moment must be shared, every thought must be expressed, and every achievement must be showcased. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with being active on social platforms, there’s a growing need for a balance – a way to maintain our privacy and personal space.
Moving in silence, as it’s often referred to, is the art of living your life without broadcasting every detail to the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of moving in silence and offer some practical tips on how to do so effectively in today’s social media era.
Before we delve into the ‘hows’, it is pertinent to tackle the ‘whys’. Here is a list of compelling reasons why we should move in silence.
Maintaining privacy is a compelling reason for adopting the practice of moving in silence in the social media era. In an age where sharing personal information online has become the norm, safeguarding one’s privacy is crucial for several reasons:
- Protecting Personal data
- Preventing oversharing
- Avoiding targeted advertising
- Preserving personal relationships as sharing too much about personal relationships can sometimes strain them.
- Preventing unwanted intrusion
- Protecting professional reputation
- Preventing cyberbullying.
Constantly seeking validation and attention on social media can be exhausting and anxiety-inducing. Moving in silence can significantly reduce these pressures.

Focusing on personal growth and experiences rather than public perception can help you be more authentic in your choices and actions.
Avoid the comparison trap
Social media often leads to unhealthy comparisons with others. Moving in silence helps you focus on your own journey without constantly measuring yourself against others.
Unplug and Recharge
Taking regular breaks from social media can help you recharge mentally. Spend time without the constant digital noise, and you’ll find your mental well-being improving.
Reduce FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
FOMO is a common issue in the social media era. By moving in silence, you can break free from the fear of missing out on what others are doing and concentrate on your own life.
without the constant digital noise, and you’ll find your mental well-being improving.
Prioritize face-to-face interactions
Cultivate deeper connections with people in real life. Spend time with friends and family, engage in meaningful conversations and create genuine memories offline.
Share personal moments privately
Share personal experiences and achievements with close friends or trusted confidants instead of the entire online world. This allows you to celebrate and receive support without broadcasting to everyone.
Focus on quality not quantity
In terms of friendships and relationships, prioritize quality over quantity. Building strong, meaningful connections with a few people is more fulfilling than having a vast but shallow network of acquaintances.
The first step in moving in silence is to reduce your online presence. It is understandable if your means of making money is by sharing bits and parts of your life, but I strongly believe that you can still live a private live whilst still carrying out your business of putting yourself out there. Be selective about what you post and how often you engage on social media platforms.
Regarding the topic of leading a very private life, there’s a notable Nigerian celebrity I’m aware of who had a very discreet wedding. The public only became aware of this event when they celebrated their one-year anniversary. This is a sweet example of making moves in silence!
Setting boundaries on social media is like drawing a line in the digital sand to protect your well-being and sanity. It’s a practical way to maintain a healthy and balanced online life. Establish clear boundaries for yourself and stick to them. Share only what you’re comfortable with, and avoid oversharing personal information.
While it’s great to celebrate your successes, you don’t need to broadcast every achievement. Share only when it’s meaningful to you. It surprises me when I see people share every milestone and achievement online like they were asked to do so. When I see such, a part of me just wants to say “who asked you”.
There is something called a “jealous spirit”. It is in the human nature to feel jealous of someone’s achievement, especially when they feel they are in a better position to achieve such.
You want to guide yourself from such spirits, and not overshare. Sharing your achievements does not validate them. Yes, it happened, and not sharing them will not take it away from you.
So, learn to withhold your happy moments, except it is necessary to share for a purpose.
Be present in your life without feeling the need to document every experience. Sometimes, the most beautiful moments happen when nobody’s watching. I feel like we are in a digital pandemic. The addiction to social media and oversharing is becoming worrisome. Even as content creators, I believe there should be times when you are not working or creating contents and just LIVE!
Sometimes, I just sit in a particular corner of an open space and just observe people. One of my fun things to do is to observe people. I notice that humans hardly live in the moment simply because we want to capture the moment and “share”.
Yes, it is good to capture moments, because they last forever, but it is also a good experience to actually live in the moment.
Share your life with a trusted few rather than a thousand followers. Real connections are more valuable than virtual ones. Personally, I love the idea of just keeping things between yourself and the universe until you start making headway.
Our loved ones in a bid to protect us from making mistakes, can talk us out of reaching our full potentials.
It is good to share your ideas with people you love, but when a certain close pal is in the habit of dousing your flame and making you go cold on your dreams, then it is definitely a wise thing to keep your dreams to yourself until it is done.
When you get so addicted to the digital space and social media as a whole, you get easily bored when there are no gadgets to play with. Hence, forgetting that there are a million and one offline activities that you can go along with when bored. Engage in hobbies, activities, and experiences that don’t require social media documentation. Enjoy the moment for yourself.
In conclusion, Moving in silence in the social media era is a profound and multifaceted concept. It’s not about disengaging from the digital world entirely but rather finding a balance that protects your privacy, mental well-being, and authenticity.
By practicing mindfulness, embracing vulnerability, and understanding the power of silence, you can navigate this digital landscape with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s a journey that allows you to truly connect with yourself and others while retaining the tranquility that silence offers in our increasingly noisy world.
In a social media era dominated by oversharing and constant connectivity, the art of moving in silence is a valuable skill. It allows you to maintain privacy, reduce stress, and be more authentic in your experiences. By setting boundaries, embracing offline activities, and being intentional in your actions, you can successfully navigate the fine line between sharing and oversharing.
Moving in silence isn’t about hiding; it’s about valuing your personal space and finding joy in the moments that are just for you. So, in this noisy world, remember that it’s okay to live your life quietly and on your terms.
I hope this was worth your read. Feel free to leave me a comment below if you did enjoy this post.
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