

woman wearing a white button down dress and holding a white and green coloured flower
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Written by Joy Onovo

I always love the start of a new month, new year, new week or even a new journal. The statistics around new month or new year resolution shows that most of them do fail, but the thought of something new indicates a fresh start, a brand-new energy and a clean slate to re-write stories.

The first of every month is so remarkable and it is a reminder of the ‘tomorrow’ we promised ourselves to start something worthwhile.

Because of how important the race is to starting afresh or anew, the place of preparation should never be neglected.

There should be some ground work and behind the scene activities that should set the tone for how the month should go, and in this article, we will be focusing on how you can mentally prepare yourself for the month ahead.

A lot of people focus on how to physically prepare themselves for the new month, completely leaving the mental space a wreck house, and they eventually wonder why they fail in executing all they have set out to accomplish for the month.

To be able to smash our monthly goals, we must be mentally prepared and aware of what it will take to do so.

So, lets dive right into the 5 ways to mentally prepare for the new month.

laptop journal and coffee mug on a white bed with gray comforter


If you had a stellar month or a month filled with so many failures, to welcome the new month and all that it has to offer you have to forgo the previous month.

We often fall into the common trap of blames and regret on how the previous month should have gone and how we should have done better with our goals. This is an energy draining thought and can always work against the success of the coming month.

The past is one of the numerous things that we cannot change, and it is not in our place to brood over what should have been.

Failures of the past presents itself as lessons for us to learn and apply in our future.

In preparation for the new month, take inventory of activities, lifestyle and decisions that worked, didn’t work, needs improvement and keep the ball rolling.

This is very important and can help you build trust in yourself, which can work in your favour. Let the accomplishment, lessons and failures of the previous month work as a catalyst to speed up your tempo and momentum in the next month.

Any thought that comes with self-blame and self-doubt, please don’t let it thrive. Throw it out and have an open mind to learn how to better things in the coming month.

white blonde lady wearing a white tank top and a sky blue flowered skirt writing on a note pad standing


No matter how slow or how insignificant your growth it, it is always a good practice to give yourself that pat on the back.

Statistics have shown that children who are often praised for do well go out to do more amazing things because their confidence soars.

Beating yourself up for your slow growth will only work against you in the new month.

I use to be one that was very hard on herself for not meeting deadlines or smashing set goals. This was so energy draining and stems as a result of comparing myself with others.

When you realize that you are in no competition with anyone but yourself, you will learn to appreciate your growth and be a tad more graceful and kind to yourself.



Your mindset and imagination are the foundation to creating the life of your dreams. When you close your eyes, what do you visualize?

Every dream that you see people achieve started first as a thought, then an imagination that they could see in their Mind’s eyes, before it actually came to life.

To have a fruitful and successful month, you must first visualize it in a positive light.

One thing I love to do is to create beautiful scenarios of how my month would be.

I create scenarios like;

  1. me working out and sweating it out

  2. me on my desk writing out my blog posts

  3. me in front of the camera making my YouTube videosblonde lady wearing a white shirt and talking to a phone mounted on a ring light stand on a table

  4. me on my laptop editing my videos

  5. me with my kids having a beautiful time like a tea party or a painting date

The thought of it alone and the visuals I have created in my mind is already enough motivation and energy for me to want it to come to pass.

Before you can feel it, you have to see it!


I cannot over emphasize the importance of having positive self-talks. It is not enough to envision a successful month. What follows are the kind of words you speak to yourself concerning the tasks ahead.

Do you always say things like “you know that lifestyle is not for you” or “stop acting like what you are not, you know you cannot do this”. When you catch yourself speaking such negative alterations to yourself, you have to STOP and retrace your steps.

Our words are indeed powerful, and we should never downplay the role it plays in mentally preparing us for the new month.

Once you have been able to envision the kind of month you want to have, the next thing to do is to promise yourself that you can do it and that you deserve to have a fruitful month.

white red hair lady practicing journaling while lying down on a white bed


Anyone who has tried journaling can tell you that it is a good form of release. Journaling helps me to release emotions and by doing so, I gain so much clarity in thoughts because I am able to see things from a different and more logical perspective.

Journaling your thoughts at the start of a new month helps you empty whatever mental burden you might have carried on into the new month.

It helps you clear your head and you can tell by how light you feel afterwards.

Journaling for me is another form of  prayers, but in this case, instead of prayer and communing with God, you are communing with your inner self.

I feel so light and empowered after my prayer sessions, and I feel the same way after journaling.

For a fresh start and clean slate of a new month, journaling is one way to go about it.

There you have it friend. 5 ways that you can mentally prepare for the new month. If you think I should have added something more to the list, please do share your thoughts in the comment below.

Thanks for riding with me till the very end. Till my next post, remain blessed.


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