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Doing these 15 things will help you become a calm and peaceful person even if the world around you is falling apart.

In the hustle of everyday life, one of the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of calm and peace.

When the world around you is falling apart and you have that inner comportment and assurance that good things can still come to you, that is a big flex and now. In this post, I’ll walk you through 15 tips on how to maintain your calm and peace in a chaotic world.

It can be more, but here is my own 15 solid suggestions that has worked for me and worked for so many others.

I believe and hope that if you are troubled and have stumbled on this article, the word I have written therein will serve as a form of succor and reminder that you can come out of that trouble to become a calm and peaceful person that you so desire.


  1. Set realistic goals and avoid overwhelming yourself

Sometimes, we get too motivated and fired up that we want to achieve all our desired goals within the shortest possible time. But this approach is a sure recipe for disaster and will lead to you not achieving any of those goals. To avoid burn out that leads to chaos, it is good practice to set goals that you can give your best and achieve peacefully.

At the start of 2024, I had set out a number of goals for my blog, YouTube channels and online business. After the first two weeks of implementation, I resolved that my numbers were not sustainable as I was burned out amidst running my online business and working as a full-time mom as well.

I had to go back to the drawing board to cut down on those numbers so that I can prioritize my wellbeing whilst still achieving my goals within the stipulated time.

Achievable goals will prevent the pressure of unrealistic expectations, it will boost your self-esteem as it will contribute to a more peaceful and calmer mindset, as well as prevent burnout and promote your well-being.

Setting smaller goals will also provide the motivation to tackle larger ones as this will build momentum and create a steady and calm progression.

  1. Limit your exposure to negative news and social media

It is no longer news that bad news has good PR. From time immemorial, there has always been news of inflation, disasters, deaths and every other terrible things that you can think of out there. These type of news will always be shoved at you the moment you decide to come online.

But the good news is that you can always filter what gets to you and what you absorb. Thankfully, most media algorithm is set in such a way that it recommends what interest you from your previous searches. It’s just like garbage in garbage out.

Using YouTube as a case study, I enjoy watching channels on how to improve myself and work on my personal growth. Thankfully, this interest has conditioned my YouTube recommendation to always show me contents related to self-improvement, self-care and productivity.

Social media is like a two-edged sword. It has its’ good and bad sides, and each of these has consequences.

Constant exposure to negative media can heighten your anxiety levels but limiting it will provide you mental relief and bring calm and peace to your life.

  1. Build a healthy sleep pattern for better emotional balance

I remember as a child, how we were always told to never miss our afternoon nap. I always fought against this as I did not want to sleep especially in the afternoons. Only to grow up as an adult to later find out that I have been missing out on quality sleep time.

I understand that adulting can be very tasking and comes with its own kind of pressure. But having a healthy sleep pattern as an adult can help you tackle the pressure when you wake.

It will do you no good to move around your day cranky because of lack of sleep, when you would have solved this a night before.

No offense to those people whose jobs requires them to work at night time. But a good number of adults deprive themselves of quality sleep because of improper planning and meaningless sensationalism from the media.

Instead of catching up on quality sleep, they scroll endlessly on social media at odd hours, consuming content that steals their peace and bring chaos to their routine.

It is one thing to have freedom as an adult and another thing to use it well. Kids are being told what to do and have their parents chaperone them. But as adult, it will be a wise thing to re-parent ourselves and do what will help us become a more positive, calm and peaceful being.

Good consistent sleep will help you regulate your emotions, reduce irritability and equip you to handle stress calmly and with grace.

It will also improve your focus and cognitive function, allowing you to have a clearer and calmer mindset during the day.

  1. Create a positive morning routine to set a calm tone for the day

I will always talk about the first two hours of the day as the most important. These hours set the tone for the rest of the day. If you want to be a calm and peaceful person, create a solid morning routine that transcends peace and tranquility throughout the day.

There is a reason why one of the qualities of successful people is their routine. You cannot separate the two. In the same vein, to be a calm and peaceful person, you need routine to thrive especially what you do in the morning.

When it comes to morning routines, I will always say, do what works for your lifestyle and family dynamics.

A morning routine of a single lady working 9 – 5 is completely different from a morning routine of a mom of three kids working from home.

This is why I have written a perfect morning routine that you can customize to fit your lifestyle. What works for me may not work for you, and that’s totally fine. But what works to make you a more peaceful and calm person is building a routine that cements into your lifestyle and works towards making you a more rounded and refined person.

  1. Learn to say no when necessary to avoid unnecessary stress

Being a people pleaser is one of the most stressful places to be. It’s like being a puppet to the whims of peoples needs and wants while your own needs are being thrown to the back burner.

If you have ever said YES to something or someone when you were supposed to say NO, you can already relate to this on how annoyingly draining it can be.

People pleasing asides taking your peace, can also be time consuming. Coming from someone who was a chronic people pleaser, I can tell you for free that you will do yourself a great favor by saying no to things or people that will take away your peace.

Remember that you matter and are allowed to prioritize yourself. So it is ok to let the No’s come to play and preserve your peace over situations that would have put you in an awkward position.

  1. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people

One of the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of quality people and friendship. From experience, the smaller your circle, the greater the quality and support.

Some people’s presence in your life can stress the hell out of you, and these are the kind of people you should avoid. If you are also someone who stresses people out, it’s time to work or yourself so that you add value to the lives of your friends.

When you are surrounded by people who are moving in the same direction as you, it creates this flow that brings peace and calm to your life.

  1. Develop a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and nutritious eating.

Healthy living will forever remain a topic for discussion if you want to create a life of peace and calm. Some of the illnesses and disease that we contact is as a result of poor lifestyle and lack of proper exercise and good dieting.

There is a popular saying which I love so much. It goes “a healthy man has a thousand wishes, but a sick man has only but one”.

When you fall sick, all you think about is how to get better. Every other worry is thrown out of the window, only your health is the paramount.

Our health can affect every other area of our lives so, it is of utmost importance to take proper care of our selves by incorporating healthy lifestyle like regular exercise and good dieting practices as well as quality rest.

  1. Practice gratitude to focus on the positive aspects of life

As human beings, it is one of our innate attributes to wish for things that we are yet to have. But how about things that we currently have but overlook.

Cultivating a habit of gratitude is one thing that will help you avoid chaos and create a calm and peaceful demeanor.

There are a million and one things to be grateful for if you will only sit and think about it. The life that you live screams hope, because when there is life, there is hope and a fresh opportunity to try again.

Looking at things you don’t have as a yardstick for thanksgiving will only add stress to your life.

Gratitude is a secret ingredient for people who are calm, peaceful and positive. They always see the good in everything and always have so many reasons to remain positive and grateful.

  1. Declutter and organize your physical space to create a serene environment

Have you ever done a thorough cleaning and decluttering only to discovered that you feel light and refreshed afterwards. This is a prove that there is a connection between your physical environment and how you feel inside.

Personally, I can’t thrive in a dirty environment. My nose is highly sensitive to smell, and I tend to pick it up as soon as I step into a place. I tend to be at my best when my environment is tidy, and I know this also applies to a whole lot of you reading this.

So, to maintain a calm and peaceful mood, try and keep your environment clean by decluttering, organizing and cleaning your spaces to create that serene and comfortable space to thrive.

  1. Learn to develop problem solving skills to handle challenges calmly

It is expedient that if you want to maintain a calm and positive demeanor, you should avoid situations or persons that will put you in a position where your peace of mind is at stake. But you will agree with me that there are some challenges that just finds you and that you cannot completely avoid. This is where problem solving skills comes into play.

Develop the skill of tackling your problems and nipping it in the bud in a calm and positive manner. Learn to maintain grace even under pressure and also learn to compose yourself.

Shouting at the top of your voice to your problems will not make it go away, rather it will even add to your stress by giving you headaches while the problem still persists.

To become a calm and peaceful person, your problem-solving skill should be top notch. If your problem is something you cannot solve, relay it to God or seek for the necessary help.

  1. Have a creative outlet like a hobby to release the tension

There are a whole lot of hobbies that promotes relaxation and enriches the soul. Personally, I enjoy reading and sewing without deadlines when I’m stressed. Find something that zones you out and feeds your soul. Do it religiously when you are stressed as this can bring you peace and calm.

As adult, it will do you a whole lot of good to have hobbies that you do completely for leisure and relaxation and takes you away from the working mood. This is why I have put together 72 self care ideas that will make you feel your best.

  1. Develop effective time management skill

Poor time management skill can mess with your execution, which in turn can tamper with your inner peace and calm. There is nothing as satisfying and freeing as executing a task within the stipulated time with precision and excellence.

Only people with good time management skill can achieve this.

Time is one entity that you can never get back. Once gone, you can only hope to maximize the next one. This is why having effective time management skill is of great importance to having an organized life that will bring you calm and peace.

  1. Practice positive affirmations for self -empowerment

With all the crazy things going on in the world, positive affirmations plays a very important role when it comes to being a calm and peaceful person.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are so troubled and do not know what to do, but when you just speak those words, you get this sense of peace and calm that immediately makes you feel reassured and better.

That is the power of positive affirmations. They help to keep us in check and reassures us for a hopeful and better tomorrow.

  1. Regularly assess and adjust your priorities

If your priorities are those that are messing with your well-being, then it is obviously time to start reassessing them.

One of the best ways to take proper care of your self and your well-being is to have priorities that brings you purpose, joy and peace.

Of what use will it be to you that you are looking forward to something that tenses you up. Personally, I will remove myself from the situation.

  1. Seek professional support if needed.

Professional support can be counseling or therapy. There are situations that you find yourself that only God or someone else who is a professional can help you with.

If you are blessed with friends who can give you wise counsel, then you are indeed lucky.

When you find yourself in conditions that takes away your peace and even takes sleep from your eyes, then it is time to seek professional help.


To become a calm and peaceful person is very possible if you will incorporate these 15 tips into your lifestyle. It doesn’t pay you any good if your life is in chaos and you don’t know what to do.

Maybe it is time to take a step back, pause and reassess to find out what is not working and uproot it from your lifestyle.

I truly want the best for you as I want for  myself.



How to create an effective morning routine

300 things to be grateful for in life

72 self care ideas for busy adults

How to build your self-worth and self-esteem

250 positive affirmations for healing a broken heart

How to make yourself a priority

12 YouTube channels that will help your personal development journey

10 amazing ways to show up for yourself everyday

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