Building a routine takes time and a heavy dose of effort and repetition. Statistics has shown that it takes an average of 66 days to build and form a new habit and get grounded in it. If you have just started with building a routine into your life, chances are that you will get less motivated along the way.
The path to having a solid routine that will make achieving your goals easy is never a smooth one. It takes series of falling and rising, believing and re-strategizing to build a well grounded routine into your life that can withstand any chaos.
A lot of successful people you see and admire have grown to have a solid routine as the back bone of their success. It takes grit and so much courage to not give up.
Here, I will be sharing with you 13 ways on how to not give up on your routine when you loose interest.
It’s Ok to have bad days and OK to want to have feelings of giving up. But what matters is our come back plan and how we intend to stay on top of the situation.
Let’s dive in. Use these 13 ways to stop yourself from giving up on your goals.
Whenever I am feeling low and very less motivated, I always ask myself one simple question. ‘Why am I even doing this?’.
Asking yourself this one question puts you in a condition to envision the life of your dreams.
We all have a ‘why’ that when we think about it, it makes us want to jump up and get going with the plan.
For me, I come from a family of people that has always experienced lack and is still experiencing it. I know that it only takes just one person to break the pattern and I am willing to be that person. When you remember your why, it becomes easy to keep going and not give up on your dreams.
There is so much power in baby steps. The popular saying ‘Rome was not built in a day’ is so true. Every great achievement we see in successful people takes steps and very simple and doable habit that if done overtime can compound into something so profound and life changing.
If you ever feel like giving up, maybe it is time to break down your routine into actionable steps that will not feel burdensome to accomplish. Slow progress is better than no progress and stagnant is not where you want to be.
It is very easy to get lost in surviving that we tend to forget what is important. When you feel down and lack motivation to forge on, maybe what you need is a simple mental boost that can be made possible by activating your environment.
Charge your surrounding with the right things and atmosphere that can put you in the mood to work.
Let me give you a scenario. There was a time I lacked so much motivation to keep up with my work out routine. I will always make excuses of sore body and then put it out to the next day. I solved this issue with preparing my environment in a way that when I wake up in the morning, I was already exercise ready without even realizing it.
These were some of the things I did;
- Prepare my workout outfit a night before and keep it in an easy to reach and easy to see position.
- Set my alarm tone to an exercise motivational speech so that I wake up to a motivational talk.
- Write down my exercise plan for the next day a night before so that once I wake up, I already know what workout I will be doing.
As simple as that sounded, it worked the magic.
Having so much clutter in your mind can sap your energy and motivation. Are you worried about some things? Is there a possibility that your mind is not at peace concerning a condition or situation? Find out the root cause of your worry and think of a possible solution.
If it is something you cannot change, then worry is not going to change it either. Get your mind off it by doing things that can help declutter and refresh your mind.
Simple activities to try are;
- Meditation,
- Journaling,
- Taking a warm bath,
- Getting some fresh air,
- Having some rest,
- Lighting a scented candle you love and
- Taking a warm drink.
If you look around you, you will discover that there are a thousand and one thing to be grateful for. Take for instance, the opportunity of even wanting to build a routine to become a better person.
That is the first step to showing gratitude. Count your blessings, be grateful for the challenges, for they are lessons to help you grow on your journey.
Practicing gratitude helps you appreciate life and this can open your eyes to the amazing things the universe has got in store for you.
Gratitude helps you to be mindful of all the good things that makes up the components of your life.
Related Post: 500 things to be grateful for in life.
We all have that picture in our mind of our dream life. When you close your eyes, what do you see in your mind’s eyes?
If you are ever feeling low and demotivated, it is time to close your eyes and create your dream life in your imagination. This is why mood boards are very powerful as they are a physical representation of the life we so desire and our goals to achieve.
Ask yourself these questions;
- ‘What kind of person do I want to be?’ – when you might have imagined her, go ahead and ask yourself…
- ‘What will this person do in a situation of low motivation?’
I believe that your higher self will pick herself up and find a reason to forge on. This is the purpose of this exercise.
Whenever you start your personal development journey, chances are that you are no longer where you use to be. You’ve come a long way to get to where you are, and giving up now will only waste your efforts of previous days.
Looking back on how and where you started will serve as encouragement. I tell you, the hardest ting to do is start!
Once you do and gain momentum, your process can always come in handy as an encouragement when ever you want to give up.
I remember when I started this blog, I read so many ‘how to start a blog’ articles and these bloggers made it look like an easy thing to do. I finally got myself to take the jump and started this blog and girl o girl, it was hard at first.
I kid you not. I didn’t see all the hard work and effort it would require to get a blog up and running.
There were times when I would just get so discouraged and overwhelmed, but when I look at my blog and the effort it took me to put up my first, second and third post, i’ll just find the courage to keep going.
This is my 21st article on this blog, and I can tell you from experience that it gets better and easier with practice!
So don’t give up friends! Good things are on the way.
As you journey through your life and strive to be a better person, you will come across hurdles that you must overcome. You might have already overcame some challenges.
For some people, it can be something as common as graduating college or preparing and passing an exam. If you look at your past critically, you will find at least one challenge that you were able to overcome. Use that as your own testimony of how courageous you are and tell yourself that if you could do it, you can as well repeat the victory again.
Is there someone trustworthy that you can talk to? If you have someone like a Coach, Mentor or therapist, then you should speak to the person.
Sometimes, all we need is another perspective and someone to point out something we might not be doing right and need to change.
It can make a whole lot of difference when you talk to a professional.
Depending on the magnitude of your concerns I would always recommend not to talk to a friend or a family member except they are well trained or experienced to proffer solution.
This is because talking to an amateur can only compound the problem and drive you further into confusion and possible depression.
If you can afford the services of a coach or a therapist, do not hesitate to do so.
People who have mastered the art of smashing their goals by following their routines know that it takes a lot of hard work, sweat and pain to get to where they are.
Like I said earlier, will it be easy? No! But is it doable? Yes!
One of the things that will help you is a prepared mindset. Configure your mind to anticipate hurdles and understand that they are surmountable.
Just like a pomegranate with a hard back but succulent inside, so is our journey to success. At the start, it will be hard, but as we go on, it will not only get easier, but we would have been well experienced and trained to navigate the uncertainties and dynamics.
The phrase ‘so good to be true’ comes from the understanding that nothing of value comes easy. If it is easy, then you will have to pause and make sure you are on the right path.
For every path that you are on now, there are people who have trod that path and gone ahead of you. Depending on what areas you are encountering difficulties, chances are that your contemporaries have also encountered such problems somewhere along the line.
With the help of the internet and books, we can access success stories of others either in videos, documentaries, or articles. Find these stories, read or listen to them.
Tell yourself that if there are people doing it, you too can do it.
Ever heard of the saying ‘surround yourself with 5 millionaire and in no time, you will become the sixth millionaire’. This is so true because energies rob off.
When you go to a funeral, the energy is so sad and solemn. You don’t find that same atmosphere in a disco concert. With this analogy, surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. Block out every negativity that will drain you and drag you down.
Uplift yourself with motivational podcasts, books and people that will help your growth. Be mindful not to get trapped in this level of ‘finding inspiration’ that you do not get to doing the actual work.
Instead, use it as a boost to pick yourself up and get going.
If you are a practicing Christian who has ever read her Bible for inspiration, you would agree with me that it is the surest and best way to deal with worry and anxiety.
Having that sweet fellowship with God helps to reassure us of His promises that we should cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us – 1 Peter 5:7-12
We are all connected to a supreme being and in all religion, prayer is a way to connect and commune with God. Make prayer part of your lifestyle and it will help clarify you in times when you don’t know the next step to take.
There you have it friends! I hope this post was worth your time.
If you enjoyed this, kindly extend the knowledge by sharing this post with your friends and in all your social handles.
Until my next post, remain blessed!
7 ways to stop over planning and start executing
10 ways to prepare for a new Month
How to mentally prepare for a New month
28 Habits of highly successful people
12 YouTube channels that helped on my personal development journey
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How to live a rich and interesting life
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