Building a routine takes time and a heavy dose of effort and repetition. Statistics has shown that it takes an average of 66 days to build and form a new habit and get grounded in it. If you have just started with building a routine into your life, chances are that you will get less Read More

Written by Joy Onovo I always love the start of a new month, new year, new week or even a new journal. The statistics around new month or new year resolution shows that most of them do fail, but the thought of something new indicates a fresh start, a brand-new energy and a clean slate Read More

Having a bucket list of life goals is something everyone should look forward to. Not because we are actively anticipating death daily, but because we have an understanding that every moment here on earth is precious and we should live our lives meaningfully and purposefully. I challenged myself to write down a list of 101 Read More

We will all agree with me that success howbeit relative, is what we all strive to become. Everyone wants to be associated with success. This is why it is no news that most successful people always have people flock around them. This can be for the right or wrong reasons. In this post, we will Read More

12 YOUTUBE CHANNELS THAT HELPED ME ON MY PERSONAL GROWTH JOURNEY I DID A REVIEW ON MY 12 BEST YOUTUBERS When I started taking my personal growth seriously, I went full beast mode on research and information that will help me. I read blog posts, articles, personal success stories, self help books and followed people Read More

THINGS THAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU WHEN YOU DECIDE TO GROW Just as every gadget and technology always have an upgrade, so is it necessary for us humans to upgrade our lives. Whatever worked in the 19th century is obviously outdated in the 21st century. As a human being, you should, and in Read More

By Joy Onovo “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Sundays are usually my days of rest after a refreshing service in our local church. As a Christian, Sundays are our days of worship, just as Fridays are worship days for Muslims. Sunday worship Read More
HOW TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE MORNING ROUTINE Written by Joy Onovo “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep – Rumi 3 POWERFUL STEPS TO CREATING AN EFFECTIVE MORNING ROUTINE At the time of publishing this post, I would have completed a ’60 days Wake up early Read More