When I started taking my personal growth seriously, I went full beast mode on research and information that will help me.
I read blog posts, articles, personal success stories, self help books and followed people who inspired me a lot on social media.
I also un-followed social media accounts that didn’t serve nor benefit me, and equally stayed away from toxic social contents.
YouTube was one of the best resource that has proved to be indispensable.
Prior to when I started this journey, I had always used YouTube for a quick fix on sewing issues from tutorial channels, and it wasn’t until 2021 that I discovered the real gem that YouTube is.
Because of how impactful these creators were and how sharing their content and gift has helped to shape my life and my view of things, I will be sharing them in no particular order, just to maybe help someone out there. (I actually don’t know how sharing them will help anyone, but I believed that if it helped me, it might be of little help to …anyone!).
Let’s jump right into the list.
I know I said in no particular order, but if there has got to be an order at all, this will definitely be my No 1.
Jennifer L. Scot is a mother of 4 (I think), although she doesn’t share so much information about her kids, which I love. She is the writer of the Madame Chic series, which I recommend that everyone who wants to live an intentional life should read.
Her YouTube channel is The Daily Connoisseur, and it gives me this sense of peace and calm. One thing that inspires me a lot from her channel is her self-discipline and orderliness, and how she carries on her homemaking activities with class, poise and charisma.
I think that if Jennifer L Scot is a Well, her water will never run dry. There is always something new to learn from her channel, as she is so full of wisdom.
When I found her channel, I said to myself, ‘Joy, this woman is living your dream life, and if she can do it, you too can do it’!
Lucy Benson is a Nigerian who lives in Hungary. She runs a personal development and self care channel, and all her contents deeply resonates with me. If there is one thing I love about her is her self-awareness and self-confidence.
The fact that she spews points and advise like a big sister would, is what made me even attracted to her and what she stands for.
She often describes herself as a ‘talker’, and believe me guys, when she starts talking you wouldn’t want to skip because every sentence is laced with life’s practical wisdom that can accompany you through life.
Oh! Teri! So soft spoken, affirming and smart. I just lack enough words to describe Teri. Teri Savelle Foy is an author, TV host, Speaker and of course a YouTuber. She calls herself a Cheerleader of Dreams, and she is truly living up to that name. Teri is a bag of wisdom. Her channel gives me so much insight and clarity. I love how she applies the word of God in every day activities and make you love God even more.
Teri is one woman you just want to sit at her feet and just soak up all the maternal wisdom she has to offer. This is one YouTube channel I recommend to any one trying to find their path in God. You will be glad you visited it.
Anna Bey I will say is the queen of elegance. I learn all my manners and etiquette on this channel.
Her channel is a one stop channel for all things elegance, poise and femininity.
I love how practical her videos and tutorial are, and you can tell how effective her teachings are with the way she has been able to transform her life from what she previously was to who she is now.
Most of her videos are relatable contents that can spark up a light bulb moment for you to learn how to do things the right way.
Winnie’s school of elegance is similar to Anna Bey. I can write a full script essay about Winifred Nwania, and how her living life intentionally and with purpose has helped shape me.
Winifred Nwania is a Nigerian, an award winning chef, aside being a YouTuber, and a chef, she runs her own TV show and has gone ahead to work with reputable brands and companies.
She recently started Winnie’s school of Elegance, and as with every other thing she sets out to do, she dishes out her contents in an admirable level of grace and consistency. How she is able to juggle all these creative hats is what should be studied in school.
If I should describe her in a handful of words, I would say discipline, consistency and authenticity.
Grow with Jo is my YouTube workout plug. She makes working out fun and doable, and learning that she is a mother and has been able to work through pregnancies and post partum depression and is joyfully impacting millions of people through her workout videos.
Her workout videos are very fun to follow as she incoporates dances and fun activities to make you breeze through the entire minute of the workout without feeling it. If this isn’t motivation enough for you, I don’t know what is.
I would always describe Haily Gamba as the ‘baby girl’ of YouTube. This is because Hailey is living her life unapologetically. She is the main character in the movie called ‘Her life’ and watching her love herself deservingly and share her story with us is truly inspiring and something to get motivated by.
From watching and observing how consistent she is on YouTube, I can tell that she is highly disciplined and focused on her own journey. It take a whole lot of focus to show up consistently with quality content that will benefit your audience, and Hailey has proven to be a disciplined person.
This singular act has motivated me and I’m so blessed to have come across her channel.
Angela Mashelle strikes me as an older sister with so much wisdom especially from experience.
Her contents are fashion and style related. One thing I love about Angela is how she embodies her age gracefully and doesn’t let that deter her from getting the slice of the online space cake.
When I started my personal development journey, one of the mindset I had to kill was the age barrier mindset. Prior to now, I always felt I was too old to start certain things. I mean, I am 32 years at the time of writing this post, but here is Angela, in her late 40s living the life.
You are never too late to the success party friends. If you are self discovering at an earlier stage of your life, good for you! But if you are like me who just woke up to the good things of life in her 30s or even later than that, I’m here to tell you that your morning just began.
Never loose hope for there is good things on the way.
I call her The Queen of Leveling up! Just from watching her videos, I draw so much strength to level up every aspects of my life.
Montelle Bee’s channel is packed with so much information on how to upgrade your life and every aspects of it.
I love how she sets out to empower her listeners by pouring out every ounce of valuable knowledge she has that can be monumental to their growth.
I never regret spending 30 minutes of Montelle Bee’s video because I’m sure to get value for my time spent.
Alux. Com is a beehive of knowledge and wisdom. This channel has everything in it, but one area I will give them more credit is the area of finance.
They have structured lessons on their app that has really transformed my life.
I love how committed they are to people who really want to take their personal development journey seriously.
They make financial knowledge so accessible to everyone who would search, and just watching their videos alone is very educative. I usually take down notes when watching.
Alux.com is a Life school for everyone. If getting a life coach is your thing, and you don’t have the financial capability for that yet, please go to their YouTube channel and start your coaching sessions from there.
If you want to take it up a notch, then get their app and just follow through with their lessons.
The investment is worth it, and I love how they make rare wisdom very accessible to anyone who is willing to learn.
For breeny Lee, you can tell that her life is her business. She has been able market her self as a profitable brand, and the results are shown from the success of her YouTube channel.
Through her engaging and relatable videos, she shares her personal experience and insights on a wide range of topic related to love, relationship and of course personal growth.
I’ve really been inspired by Breeny Lee, seeing how she takes her brand seriously, and embodies all that a modern woman aspires to become.
One wild card I will love to add to this list is Adama Lorna. She is a mindset freak and a fitness enthusiast. Her channel is all about self improvement and finding yourself.
I see a lot of me in Adama. I connect with her on so many different levels. I recently stumbled on her channel, and a lot of what she says resonates with me and my personal development journey.
If there is one influencer I would love to reach out and get in touch with in the nearest future is Adama.
So there you have it friends, these are the YouTubers that has helped me in my journey to self improve and develop myself personally.
You can check them out and learn just like I did.
Until next time, do have a lovely day.
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